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I write code.


Hello Hello! My name is Will and I'm a software engineer. Lately I've been working to leverageanalytics to improve user acquisition, retention, and monetization. I have a passion for creating scalable systems and writing good code.

To date I've had the privilege of bouncing between teams at my co-op, performing undergraduate research, interning at Roblox, and now back working for them full-time.

I have a passion for continually bettering my skill-set, so if you have a project you'd like to collaborate on, please don't hesitate to reach out!

Here are a few technologies I’ve been working with recently:

  • go
  • c/++
  • python
  • sql

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Software Engineer @ Roblox

August 2023 - Present

  • Built an analytics platform to calculate and serve classical core datasets (engagement, retention, acquisition, monetization) and platform-specific user behavior datasets
  • Developed an event ingestion pipeline (10GB/s) to enable analysis for internal business intelligence and creator-facing analytics
  • Designed and implemented an Analytics SDK to empower creators to measure and analyze user interactions with their content


I am not currently looking for new opportunities, but my inbox is always open. If you have a question or wish to collaborate on something please don't hesitate to reach out, I'll get back to you as soon as I can!
